As I consider the month of November, with ministry opportunities and time with family and friends for Thanksgiving, I am mindful of every good and perfect gift that comes from above. I feel so blessed to know Jesus and make Him known. No matter if I am serving an audience or those at the dinner table, I value each moment humbly because God’s faithfulness is on display.

The She Found Joy event in Tallahassee, Florida.

So grateful for family who came out to support me!

The rest of the speakers for our event.

Thanksgiving day with friends and family!
One of my favorite verses is Romans 11:36–
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
This is what comes to mind as I consider not only the month of November but the anticipation of December when we celebrate Christmas.
All of our blessings are found in and through Jesus so this month is especially enjoyable as we ponder the wonder of the Messiah’s birth. What an incredible thought that God is actually with us!
In my efforts to celebrate this season, I’ll be taking some time to be still and enjoy being present with those He has given me. I don’t want social media or busyness to rob me of the gifts available each and every day. Additionally, this affords me extra time to linger in the Word without any thought of how lessons can be useful for others. You can expect me back here in January.
Just as I am grateful for the friends and family who love and support me, I am also grateful for you. Thank you for following hard after God with me. You make this journey even more rewarding as we listen, learn and love together. You are part of God’s faithfulness indeed!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Be sure to check out my revised book (Press On! Encouragement to Keep You Moving When You Feel Overwhelmed) which was completed in November!
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