As I was taking the trash out to the dumpster at work recently, I noticed something unexpected. While trudging along, anticipating the yuckiness of the dumpster, a most beautiful fragrance caught my attention and totally changed the moment. It transformed an everyday, thoughtless task into something lovely and inviting. The aroma made me want to linger, taking in the fragrance and spring breeze as long as possible.
Not only did it change my focus outwardly with the task I was doing, it also affected my inward focus as it brought the Lord to mind. I immediately thought of Him as Creator, and the love He showed us in creating such beautiful nature for us to enjoy. Through my sight of the beautiful wisteria, the smell of it’s lovely fragrance, and the feel of the cool spring breeze and warm sunshine on my skin, I was reminded of God.
A fragrant reminder.
This brings to mind 2 Corinthians 2:14, ” But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” We are to be fragrant reminders as well!
As we live in this world, in our communities, in our families, we are to be the lovely, gentle reminders of Christ. It is God’s purpose that through us, Christ is known. As people interact with us, their moments with us should change their focus, transforming them into unexpected experiences with our Savior. Having been around us, they should feel as if they have been around Him!
Is that so? Am I, are we, bringing to mind in others the knowledge of Jesus? Are we changing anyone’s moments as they go about their day? Through our talk, our demeanor, our expressions, our perspective on any and every issue in life, as we interact, is Jesus brought to the forefront?
This can be accomplished directly or indirectly. You don’t have to beat people over the head with your Bible to make an impression on them reflecting Christ. As He permeates our being, He should naturally come through in our demeanor. If it is a correct reflection, it should be as lovely and inviting as the fragrant wisteria that I enticed me to linger near the dumpster!
Likewise, I have learned that the role of judges in the Old Testament was to remind the Israelites of God. As I continue through the book of Judges, reading about all the different judges God provided to lead the Israelites, I recognize their main role: It was to bring the LORD to the minds of the people and as they helped deliver them from oppression, lead them back to the obedience their Deliverer required.
As they lived in their promised land, some of them had failed to extract the inhabitants of the land and they were leading the Israelites into idolatry. God would send them into oppression and captivity to bring about their repentance and faithfulness. As they would cry out for help, the LORD would raise up a judge to deliver them and to promote their following of God’s commands, the covenant they had agreed upon.
Judges were similar to prophets in the Old Testament. They were to represent God to the people. Whereas priests were to represent the people to God.
So just as we are the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ, the judges were the fragrance of the knowledge of the LORD. Both roles are to bring to mind God, His truth and perspective, His faithfulness and love displayed countless times throughout history, reflecting Him whenever possible to anyone who will listen.
Knowing Whom we are to reflect, to spread the beautiful impression of the One and Only, compels us to examine what we remind others of the most? Are we reflecting Him? Or are we reflecting the idols of the nations around us? When people walk away from us, are they enticed by the aroma of Christ, to want and pursue what we have in Christ as our Savior?
May we pay attention to the opportunities to be His fragrant reminders, transforming everyday moments where people want to linger and enjoy what is most lovely about us, our Savior.
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