What limits us the most?
No one likes being chained or the feeling of captivity. Human nature is repulsed at the thought of it, usually seeking desperately the freedom innately desired.
The irony of our nature though is that sometimes WE are the very ones WILLINGLY choosing those chains. Without realizing it, we reject what will actually bring about our freedom and settle for what brings about our bondage, our restrictions. In essence, we miss out on the advantages we are desperately trying to bring about.
The story of humility versus pride
There is a shocking event in Mark 4:1-20 MSG that reveals this foolishness of human reasoning. Jesus heals a demon-possessed man and the consequences leave us questioning our own limited viewpoint of life as we see it.
As the demon-possessed man runs up to Jesus, his desperate state is obvious. This man was the epitome of misery. The Scripture says he roamed about night and day, screaming and slashing himself with stones. Chains and ropes proved of no use to subdue him for his own protection.
What held him in captivity though had nothing to do with chains. This man was helpless to change any aspect of his desperate situation but even in his crazed state, he knew immediately who could- Jesus!
As soon as he saw the Messiah, he ran to Him and his first response at the sight of the Savior was priceless. Even though he was demon-possessed by many demons, he bowed in worship. He recognized immediately the hope of the Person before him.
As the demons protested at being cast out, they asked to be sent into the pigs to live so Jesus obliged them. The pigs reacted by running into the lake.
Those tending the herd of pigs rushed into town to tell what had happened. Everyone wanted to see for themselves so they ran to where Jesus was and saw that sure enough, the pigs had drowned.
The revealing response to authority
The towns people also saw the formerly demon-possessed man sitting properly and in his right mind. At first, they were in awe about the change in the man. He was no longer a madman but calm and reasonable. Their next reaction is what is so shocking.
The NIV version of Mark 4:15 describes the people as being “afraid” at the site of all this. The Bible goes on to say that they demanded that Jesus leave their region!
Why is authority so offensive to our nature?
What would make a crowd afraid at seeing a demon-possessed man healed and in his right mind? Why on earth would they then ask the person responsible for this miraculous event to leave and never return?!
Join me over at Sue Chacko’s website for the rest of my guest post for her.
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