What is our faith requiring of us?
Reading the account of Jesus being anointed by the sinful woman ( Luke 7:36-50 ), I marvel at the amount of courage required not only from her but also of Jesus. Courage played a vital role in that scene unfolding as it did and it made me consider how much courage is exercised in our faith today.
I hear mention of Christians wanting “radical” faith, meaning that they want to be the kind of believers who will risk all to follow after Christ. Studying this passage, I begin to understand that radical faith IS actually Biblical faith.
That is the faith portrayed in Scripture, involving risks and costs. It’s no wonder that courage would be a hallmark of such a faith. When we are well aware of what is at stake if we boldly live out our convictions, without sufficient courage, we will not be willing to risk the consequences.
In the end, we will choose protection of self over the bold action required by our faith.
So my question to you is- what is your faith requiring of you?
I know what it has asked of me before but more on that later.
How was courage required of Jesus and the sinful woman?
The contrast in these two particular people couldn’t be further apart. One was a sinless Son of God and the other was a sinful child of God. Yet, One was sent to save the other……..and it would take courage from both of them for this to happen.
Looking at this scene as it transpired, one risk after another jumps out.
- Jesus needed courage to accept the invitation to those knowingly looking to cause Him trouble.
- He needed courage to stand up to the host, a religious leader, in his home publically and in front of his friends.
- The sinful woman needed courage to attempt going to the religious leader’s home due to her well-known reputation.
- She needed courage to make her way into that male-dominated room, past all the objections and directions from servants, host, or attendees.
- Courage was required as she made her way over to the Holy Savior. (Can you imagine how she felt approaching such a truly righteous Man?)
- The sinful woman exercised courage as she knelt behind Jesus and touched Him.
- Courage was necessary as she openly displayed emotions such as crying and kissing His feet.
- She displayed courage as she sacrificed such an expensive, extravagant gift, pouring it our on His feet.
- The woman needed courage as she risked making a scene in front of a room full of condemning men- morally, “religiously” and culturally her superiors.
- Jesus exercised courage when He affirmed her, a sinner, publically.
- He needed courage to forgive her sins openly, knowing this would draw the ire of the religious leaders.
- He used courage as He pointed out, step by step, the failings of the host to Him as a guest, while the sinful woman was exalted in how she exceeded the common rules of hospitality.
- Jesus was courageous as He authoritatively declared that her faith had saved her and that she could go in peace (with His stamp of approval basically).
When have I needed courage to walk out my faith?
As I ponder hindsight as a 50-year-old, I never could have foreseen where God would take me and what would have been the risks. My life began in rural Kentucky, with what should have been typical opportunities for me.
But God had other plans.
So in March of 1985, while on spring break from the University of Kentucky as a freshman, I came to Florida to visit my dad where he had moved for work. I ended up meeting my husband who was on spring break from Florida State University and just a few months later, moved to Tallahassee, Florida to date him.
Even though several generations of my family stayed in our small town, I felt God calling me to take a risk.
That was the beginning of the courage needed to follow where God directed me, with so much more to come.
- uprooting my life to transfer to F.S.U
- marrying Kyle
- quitting my job to become a stay-at-home mom
- 3 children in 3 1/2 years
- miscarriage
- getting out of my comfort zone to grow in my faith
- navigating through marital conflict
- a child with learning disabilities
- accepting God’s call to be a Bible teacher
- studying for and serving in ministry
- missions trips to China, Peru, and Guatemala
- parenting a teenager in rebellion
- serving in leadership positions for women’s ministry, school board, and in the community
- getting back into the workforce after years away
- public speaking and teaching
- writing for online ministry
- risking failure every day
This and more has required my daily courage to follow Christ where I felt ill-equipped and fearful. As I look back, courage was most definitely needed in big ways.
Sometimes I exercised it and sometimes I cowered. It has not been as consistent as I had hoped at times.
What is your faith requiring of you?
Courage is acting like “God’s got this!” even before it looks that way. It is stepping out to follow when you really don’t know how things will actually turn out.
I always think of how David met Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 , specifically how it says in verse 48,
As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.
That gives me chills!
David did!
And so can you!
What is it that you need courage for in your faith?
- continue in ministry when you feel like giving up
- stand up against an abusive boss, co-worker, or spouse
- be the accountability your spouse desperately needs
- believe God even when life is unraveling
- risk failure as you take a leap of faith
- forgive someone who has caused you harm
- risk the judgment of others as you obey God, standing firm in His truth
- love others when they fail to love you in return
- acknowledge a problem you have been avoiding
- follow hard after Christ when those closest to you are unbelievers or willing to settle for complacency
- treat others as Christ would even when they don’t reciprocate
- seek help for an addiction
- worship when all you feel like doing is worry
- confront someone in your life
- persevere with a child when you feel like giving up
- admit that you are the one who is wrong
What we can remember
David knew that whatever he faced, God was already there! Psalm 16:8 says,
I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my righ hand, I will not be shaken.
Courage is found for Biblical faith as we continually set the Lord before us. With Him beside us and before us, we will have the courage necessary to meet whatever stands against us.
Gayl says
I had never really thought about the courage needed on the part of Jesus and the woman, but it give the story even more meaning when you think about the courage it took. I’ve had to be courageous so many times as a wife, mother and grandmother who follows Christ. But He is with me every step of the way. Thanks for an inspiring post, Gretchen.
Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #FreshMarketFriday.
Gretchen Fleming says
Thanks so much Gayl for stopping by! Who knew the courage needed for the life ahead as a believer?! But what He offers with Him by our side and what we have in store for us in heaven, that makes it worth it……..
Rebecca L Jones says
I know it took courage to even write your list. My plan was to be a writer, always. I ended up on the edges of daycare, teaching a little Bible study, nothing big enough to matter much, but I was obviously putting a dent in the devil for my life just got harder. Now as I blog and reach out to tell people about Jesus even more, I think I ‘m seeing even more chaos around me at times. But I know God is the author of peace and He writes my story.
Gretchen Fleming says
Amen Rebecca! I do believe when we follow Him in faith and seek to serve others, we show up on our enemy’s radar. The spiritual battles are always an issue. But we know that was what Christ and the others in the Bible faced so at least we know it’s part of our time here on earth. Keep going my friend! You are making a difference for His Name!
Crystal says
Love your testimony here Gretchen and the insight you pull from scripture. I’ve never considered the courage involved in this biblical account, particularly on the part of Jesus. I love that we can read and re-read scripture through and always find new ways to apply it to our lives.
Gretchen Fleming says
Amen Crystal! Happy 4th to you my friend!
Neca says
Hey Gretchen! Thanks for this post! It makes me think about just having the courage to trust God when He is calling you to do things that don’t make any sense (but makes perfect sense to Him). That’s my current journey in courage…trusting God with everything in my life and letting go what I “thought” I needed to make it through life. Visiting from TheGreatBIGLife
Gretchen Fleming says
So true Neca! Thanks for visiting with me?
Natalia says
Love this! And the call to consider our need for courage in our faith! I have a sister in law in Tally, wish she would come visit your church!
Gretchen Fleming says
Thank you and we would love to have her! Four Oaks Community Church?
Leigh Stephenson says
Thank you Gretchen for continuing to encourage us all through your insightful teaching to have courage to follow hard after Christ with the faith only He can give us through the power of His Spirit. I have found that the closer I want to be to Christ, the harder it becomes as you so beautifully illustrated in your depiction of the woman trying to make her way to Jesus!! Your insight was profound and helped me to understand why there are so many obstacles put in my path by the enemy as I ‘simply’ want to know Him more and make His Name known. It is not for the faint of heart to draw near to God but reassuring to know that “if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us” which makes it well worth the effort!! For anyone who is interested, I wrote an amazing song about the story Gretchen described from Luke 7:36-50 that is now available on all streaming platforms. The album is Fulfilled and the song: How Much I Love You by Leigh Ashmore Stephenson featuring Becca Potts as artist. Thanks Gretchen for being a great example of pressing on with courage in the upward calling of Christ Jesus! You’re an inspiration to us all💖