On sale now!
I am so excited to share my good news with you! The year-long chronological Bible study that I wrote and taught last year has been published! Pre-sale begins today and here is the link to order-
God has been so gracious to do what only He could and I want to share with you how it happened.
I remember that night when I was 25. I had grown up in the church and had a rich family legacy of faith and yet, I had missed a critical component of faith life. I thought that faith came down to 2 components- salvation and service.
After reading the typical small devotional from my Southern Baptist heritage, I laid it on my bedside table and the thought popped into my mind, “Surely He wants more of me than that.”
The only problem was I didn’t know what else that could entail. I just knew the little I was giving Him wasn’t enough, even by my standards.
Fast forward a few years and all of that changed. I found Bible teachers such as Henry Blackaby, Charles Stanley, Anne Graham Lotz and so many others who showed me what more there was to faith and how rich my life could become.
The first moment of awareness came when I was watching a video by Henry Blackaby who wrote “Experiencing God”. He was speaking about how he reads the Bible each day and that even if he is reading in the Old Testament, he also reads in the gospels because “that’s where my Jesus is”. When he said these words, his voice broke.
Never had I heard such passion in someone’s heart for the Lord. The intimacy he conveyed opened my eyes to what more I could have in my relationship with God. I decided then and there that I wanted that for myself!
I began to ask God for a passion for Him and His Word as I committed to reading my Bible daily. Little did I know how radically God could change my life but thanks be to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, He did!
Day by day, page after page, He changed me. This only intensified when I finally learned about the wonderful resource of a chronological Bible. As a logical learner, reading the Bible in the context of how events happened in the order they occurred was instrumental in my understanding of God’s story.
To read about David being in a cave while hiding from King Saul and then read the Psalm that he wrote in that moment or about King Hezekiah and the major and minor prophets that coincided with his reign is so very helpful. It allows the reader to understand the big picture, the meta-narrative, of the Bible. It reads like the beautiful, glorious story that it is!!
If I could recommend one thing that could change your life the most, it would be reading the Bible daily, from cover to cover, and doing so chronologically. God does more in those moments than you can fathom. It is worth every ounce of sacrifice and commitment. It takes wholehearted commitment to receive the rich reward of intimacy with our Savior but boy is it ever worth it!

This makes a great Christmas gift to start the new year right!
King David says in Psalm 63:3 that God’s love is better than life and I think the reason he found this to be true was because of verse 8 where he says, “My soul follows hard after thee.” David learned that by following hard after God, our souls become thrilled with the love of God. In essence, intimacy is gained and treasured above all else.
There is nothing more worthy, more enjoyable, or fruitful than intimacy with Jesus. Give Him this next year as you study His Word chronologically and see for yourself!
This Bible study is unlike most. I am not here to be your teacher but rather to help you become a student of God’s Word and allow His Holy Spirit to teach you. You will not be changed from reading my words but God’s. Read each day’s reading and answer the questions for that day. If you cannot answer them all then just do the ones you can. Pray before you read and work through each one.
I have provided the Scripture references for each day’s reading if you want to use your own Bible but I recommend purchasing a One Year Chronological Bible by Tyndale, which already has the Bible arranged this way. It makes for a much easier time reading because you aren’t turning back and forth in the Bible to read it chronologically.
Enjoy the journey friend. This is a trip of a lifetime!
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